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Let Your Emotions R.A.I.N

Let Your Emotions R.A.I.N An Occupational Therapy activity worksheet for inpatient psych groups of all ages This activity was used to discuss emotional regulation in an inpatient behavioral health hospital. This activity was adapted from Michelle McDonald's RAIN acronym as part of the mindfulness movement. Mindfulness is a heightened sense of awareness, being present and focused on something at hand such as your emotions. Acronyms make great strategies, as using a word can make the concept easier to remember. The concept for this activity began because often time when I have a strong emotional reaction like crying (or raining emotions), I'll say "I don't even know why I am crying right now." However, crying is a normal response to strong emotions and a lack of understanding emotions comes from having difficult emotions or multiple emotions at once. The first step to emotional regulation is identifying the strong or difficult emotion(s) as this will lead to a bette...

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