The Advertisement That Sticks With Me

When I think of advertisements there is one brand that immediately pops in to my mind, as they arguably have the best advertisements year after year. The brand I'm talking about is Doritos and I am specifically thinking of an advertisement they first aired during SuperBowl XLV, 8 years ago. Obviously, Doritos did a fantastic job with this commercial if I can still recall it 8 years later. In this commercial a pug is running to a glass door where his owner is behind him showing him Doritos. The pug knocks the whole door down over his owner and I cry laughing over this scene every time. We know from studying neurobiology that we are more likely to remember things that are rewarding as reward pathways are a major pathway for the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. The extreme emotional response this commercial evokes out of me creates more synapses for dopamine in specifically the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex. The hippocampus is especially responsible for longterm memories associated with emotional responses, and thus the reason I still remember this commercial even when I haven't seen it in so long. In order to form long term memories persistent changes must occur in the number of synapses and neurotransmitters released. Appealing to my emotions caused synaptic plasticity to occur in my brain and store this commercial.

This is the link to the commercial. Watch it if you want this commercial in your longterm memories from now on!


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